06 Oct, 2022 5:17 PM

The type of SURGERY for FIBROIDS removal and the treatment plan may depend not only on the size, location and number of fibroids but also the ultimate wishes of the patient for future pregnancies. Some surgical options preserve the uterus and allow the patient to become pregnant in the future, while other options can either damage or completely remove the uterus.

The type of procedure that may work best for you will depend on where your fibroids are located, how big they are and the number of fibroids they are. At YAMAL’S CLINIC, we apply MYOMECTOMY procedure to remove fibroids. The MYOMECTOMY procedure allows us to remove the fibroids without interfering with the uterus.

Types of Myomectomy
HYSTEROSCOPY: This procedure is done by inserting a scope (a thin, flexible tube-like tool) through the reproductive organ and cervix and into the uterus. No incisions are made during this procedure. Through this procedure, we use the scope to cut away and remove the fibroids.

LAPAROSCOPY: Unlike the Hysteroscopy, Laparoscopy Myomectomy involves placing a few small incisions in your abdomen. The procedure scope enters and exits the body, and can also be accomplished with the assistance of a robot.

LAPAROTOMY: During this procedure, an incision is made in your abdomen and the fibroids are removed through one larger cut.

How about if a patient is not planning for future pregnancies?

In case of a decision not to have a pregnancy in the future, there are additional surgical options that we may recommend. We therefore recommend surgical approaches that remove the uterus. These surgeries can be very effective, but they typically prevent future pregnancies. These surgeries to remove fibroids may include:
HYSTERECTOMY: This procedure involves removal of the uterus. A hysterectomy is the only surest way to cure fibroids. By removing your uterus completely, the fibroids cannot come back and their symptoms should go away. However, one will not go into menopause after a hysterectomy procedure. The ovaries still remain in place even with the removal of the uterus.

We might recommend this procedure where a patient is experiencing very heavy bleeding from her fibroids or if her fibroids are large. With this, the most minimally invasive procedure to perform hysteroscopy is advisable. Minimally invasive procedures include vaginal, laparoscopic or robotic approaches.

Can fibroids be prevented?
In general, you cannot prevent fibroids. However, you can reduce your risk by maintaining a healthy body weight and getting regular pelvic exams. If you have small fibroids, we advise that you develop a plan with our clinic to monitor them and advice on the best treatment procedure.

Can one with UTERINE FIBROIDS get pregnant?
Yes, they can get pregnant. We never the less recommend that you get in touch with your healthcare provider to develop a monitoring plan for the fibroids when you get pregnant and you already know you have fibroids. This is because during pregnancy, your body releases elevated levels of hormones and these hormones support the growth of your baby.

However, they can also cause your fibroids to get bigger. Large fibroids can prevent your baby from being able to flip into the correct fetal position, increasing your risk of a breech birth or malpresentation of the fetal head. In very rare cases, you may be at higher risk of a pre-term delivery or a C-section delivery.

Get in touch or visit YAMAL’S CLINIC if you experience any kind of discomfort or pain. Fibroids can be treated and, often, your symptoms can be improved.

Our Contacts:
Dr Yamal's Clinic
Doctors Park, 4th Flr, Suite A4, 3rd Parklands Avenue, Parklands, Nairobi
Mobile: 0700 774013, 0728 111181, 0735 477069

Surgery of fibroids Fibroids removal Uterus removal Myomectomy Hysteroscopy Laparoscopy Laparocopy Myomectomy Laparotomy Hysterectomy Uterine Fibroids Large Fibroids Dr Yamal's Clinic Kenya Nairobi

Dr. Yamal's Clinic

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