21 Jul, 2023 6:53 PM

PROSTATE CANCER TREATMENT depends on how far it has progressed and the patient’s age. PROSTATE CANCER can be treated through SURGERY, RADIATION, HORMONE THERAPY, and CHEMOTHERAPY. Often, a combination of these treatments is used. Prostate Cancer will affect one in 6 men in their lifetime. The good news is that when detected early, Prostate Cancer survival rate approaches 100%.

Who is more likely to be affected by PROSTATE CANCER?
Age – Prostate Cancer is rare in men under 50. Older men are at an increased risk and it’s thought that most men will develop prostate cancer if they live into the old age;
Race – African men are more prone to prostate cancer;
Family History – Having a close relative with prostate cancer increases your chances of developing the disease.

However, many men develop PROSTATE CANCER even without the presence of these risk factors.

Dr Onyango Oluoch – a leading UROLOGIST based at 5th Avenue Medical & Day Surgery Centre in Nairobi, Kenya - is renowned for his expertise and many years of experience in the Diagnosis and Treatment of PROSTATE CANCER. He advises that symptoms of the disease in men include reduced urine flow, a more frequent need to urinate or pain during urination. Such symptoms are very frequently caused by a benign enlargement of the prostate.

Most men will not experience any symptoms, especially in the early stages. However, when symptoms occur, they may include:
• Frequent urination, especially at night
• Weak or interrupted urine flow
• Frequent pain or stiffness in the lower back, hips, or upper thighs
• Painful or burning urination
• Painful ejaculation
• Blood in urine or semen
• Difficulty having an erection

Dr Onyango Oluoch emphasizes the need for regular check-ups for men aged 50 and above. As a specialist, he carries extensive examination that involves a blood test to measure the prostate-specific antigen (PSA) and a rectal examination of the prostate. If the examination reveals signs of prostate cancer (heightened PSA and enlarged prostate), it can be diagnosed with a prostate biopsy. If the tissue examination (biopsy) confirms the cancer diagnosis, then he performs further examinations such as a computed tomography (CT) scan.

The treatment of PROSTATE CANCER varies from person to person and depends on the size of the tumour, the stage of the cancer and patient’s age. Treatments for localized PROSTATE CANCER (with low risk of evolution) - at stages 1 and 2 can be done using a variety of methods, depending on the characteristics of the disease and the patient’s preferences.

With a high survival rate, maintaining the quality of life after recovery is a major concern for Dr Onyango Oluoch in treating PROSTATE CANCER. Fortunately, there’s a minimally-invasive alternative – High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound (HIFU). HIFU does not negatively affect continence or sexual function and offers comparable and even slightly higher success rates.

Not every man diagnosed with PROSTATE CANCER is a candidate for HIFU treatment. Factors affecting eligibility include:
• Stage of diagnosis
• Other treatments you may have had
• Your overall health condition

Dr Onyango Oluoch is happily and readily waiting for call to help you! Arrange an appointment through the contacts below;

Our Contacts
Dr Onyango Oluoch – Urologist
Personal Number: 0721 850826
Office Number: 0741 254745
5th Avenue Medical & Day Surgery Centre
5th Ngong Avenue Suites, 7th Floor, Room 1, Nairobi
Email: [email protected]

Prostate Cancer Treatment Specialists Prostate Bladder Cancer Prostate Cancer Therapy Clinics Prostate Cancer Surgery Dr Onyango Oluoch Urologists in Kenya 5th Avenue Medical & Day Surgery Centre Kenya Prostate Biopsy Prostate Cancer Treatment Specialist Nairobi

Dr Onyango Oluoch - Urologist

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