Rubber Band Manufacturers in Kenya

22 Nov, 2017 8:31 AM
We are the manufacturers and suppliers of the best value rubber bands in Nairobi, Kenya. Going by the brand name Vijay Rubber Bands, they are well received by the market owing to their high percentage of rubber content. Vijay Rubber Band is highly recommended for fast application and where repeat use is necessary.
R H Devani Ltd makes ring shaped rubber bands that are commonly used to hold multiple objects together. This therefore requires different dimensions, length and width. We make sized rubber bands of all sizes.
Our Contacts:
Kitui Road, Off Kampala Road, Industrial Area Nairobi
Cell: 0705 187175, 0705 187176
Tel: 020 2627447-9
Rubber Bands Value Rubber Band Ring Shaped Rubber Bands Nairobi Kenya