Recycled Plastic Products in Kenya

R H Devani Ltd - Recycled Plastic Products in Kenya

26 Aug, 2016 1:23 PM

A significant number of products that we use every day are made out of plastics which, unfortunately, are not eco-friendly. Recycling of plastics, therefore, helps in minimising their environmental effects. Here are more reasons as to why recycling of plastics is beneficial.

• Recycling helps in the saving of landfill space. Recycling one tonne of plastic saves yards of landfill space because a lot of plastic ends up directly in the environment, breaking down into tiny pieces, polluting our soil and water, as well as contributing to the ocean's Great Garbage Patches.

• Recycling plastics reduces the amount of energy and natural resources (such as water, petroleum and natural) needed to create virgin plastic.

• Recycling plastic is easy because everyone uses plastics, meaning they are readily available.

• Recycling Plastics helps in conserving important raw materials and protects natural habitats for the future. If old and used materials are not recycled, the new products are made from extracting fresh raw materials from beneath the earth through mining and extraction.

At RH Devani, we believe in taking care of the environment. Our aim is to help rebuild the environment by utilising a commodity, which people would otherwise just throw away, and so turn what to some would be rubbish into a valuable product for everybody eg. plastic bottles.

Due to the ever-increasing importance to recycle & protect the environment, our products are made from 100% recycled plastic.

For all your industrial plastic products needs come to RH Devani and we will supply you with quality recycled plastics of any type.

Our Contacts:
Kitui Road, Off Kampala Road, Industrial Area Nairobi
Cell: 0705 187175, 0705 187176
Tel: 020 2627447-9

Recycling Plastic Products Benefits Recycling Plastic Products

R H Devani Ltd

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