Penetration Grade Bitumen in Kenya

15 Feb, 2023 7:52 PM
BATRA BUTIMEN KENYA Limited is a Leading Importer and Supplier of PENETRATION BITUMEN; the petroleum grade bitumen, such as Bitumen 30/40, Bitumen 40/50, Bitumen 50/70, Bitumen 60/70, Bitumen 80/100, Bitumen 85/100, Bitumen and 100/120.
The grades for PENETRATION GRADE BITUMEN, also known as semi hard black product, are named due to their levels of hardness and consistency that determine their suitability for application in various construction methods and under different environmental and climatic conditions based on penetrability.
Also known as paving grade bitumen, Penetration grades are mainly used in the manufacturing of hot mix asphalt for road base and wearing courses, having considered many factors, including the average temperature of the region, the level of traffic loads, and the type of soil.
Soft bitumen is more suitable for soils with high particle density such as clay, while on the contrary, high penetration graded bitumen works better for soils with low particle density.
Air temperature is another crucial factor in selecting penetration grade. If you are paving a road in a very cold or even hot region, be careful. If the bitumen is too soft or hard in the environment temperature, the possibility of cracking or deformation increases.
Considering the traffic load is also necessary when it comes to penetration grades. Softer grades like 60/70 show more durability exposing to heavy traffic loads. Accordingly, lower grades are used for paving roads with high traffic loads.
Before using penetration grade bitumen, pay attention to test results and other factors such as penetration grade, flash point, softening point, ductility, and specific gravity.
By supplying Bitumen Products in Kenya, BATRA BUTIMEN KENYA supports the massive and expansive road construction industry, building construction industry and general infrastructural expansion in Kenya and the entire East African region. We deal in the Wide Range of Bitumen Products including, Penetration Bitumen, Cutback Bitumen, Roofing and Industrial Bitumen, Emulsion Bitumen and Oxidized Bitumen; sourced from the most known and trusted refineries worldwide.
BATRA BUTIMEN KENYA has the capability to Import and Supply the different Grades of Penetration Bitumen in compliance with the set National and International Standards.
Our Contacts
Mobile: 0780 122123, 0708 290436, 0700 509997
Mogadishu Road, Off Lunga Lunga Road, Industrial Area, Nairobi
Penetration Grade Bitumen Bitumen 30/40 Bitumen 40/50 Bitumen 50/70 Bitumen 60/70 Bitumen 80/100 Bitumen 85/100 Bitumen 100/120 Petroleum Grade Bitumen Paving Grade Bitumen High Penetration Graded Bitumen Cutback Bitumen Roofing And Industrial Bitumen Emulsion Bitumen Oxidized Bitumen Road Building Materials BATRA BUTIMEN KENYA