General Litigation Lawyers in Kenya

11 Jun, 2023 12:58 PM
We provide a comprehensive range of legal services and pay close attention to each client’s particular needs and financial constraints. As for general litigation services, extensive knowledge and experience are key, the two aspects which our general litigation lawyers possess a lot of.
Disputes are an unhappy facet of business life. Even when you win, they can be costly, time-consuming, and distracting from your business objectives and daily operations. Our general litigation lawyers are the ones you need in a fight, the ones who you deserve and who will go with you into the trenches.
We can assist you with a wide range of disputes, including in respect of:
• Representation in trial and appellate courts and tribunals throughout Kenya
• Animal feed and related industries matters
• Consumer protection law
• Representation in both domestic and international arbitration
• Commercial litigation
• Neighbour disputes
• Administrative law and access to information matters
• Debt collection and related matters
• Proactive dispute resolution management to anticipate and, when possible, avoid unnecessary delays or procedural complications
• Personal injury matters resulting from amongst others slips, falls and assaults
• Professional negligence matters by attorneys and other professionals
• Sectional title, homeowner associations and rental housing matters
• Credit law matters
• A “litigator’s perspective” to support our advice about non-contentious matters, by pointing out the possible obstacles and pitfalls and helping our clients design dispute-avoidance strategies
• Defamation and infringement of dignity matters
• Evictions
• Other general litigation matters
Our goal for assembling a team of legal experts and skilled advocates who understand our clients’ interest – not only in the dispute but beyond it – is to reduce these burdens by committing to obtain the best possible results, whether by alternative dispute resolution methods, formal arbitration, or, if necessary, full litigation.
Our Contacts
Okao & Co Advocates
Kaunda St, Town House, 6th Flr, City Centre, Nairobi
Mobile: 0722 822420
Tel: 020 2248593
General Litigation Services Commercial Litigation Services Proactive Dispute Resolution Personal Injury Matters Professional Negligence Matters Credit Law Matters Evictions Okao & Co advocates Kenya General Litigation Law Firms in Kenya