Dr Keli Florence - Endocrinologist - DIABETES CLINIC IN NAIROBI

13 Aug, 2024 4:26 PM

Welcome to DIABETES AND ENDOCRINE CLINIC IN NAIROBI, KENYA. We are a one stop clinic for the diagnosis and management of pre-diabetes, gestational type 1 and type 2 diabetes and endocrine diseases; in the hands of DR KELI FLORENCE, the highly experienced and recognized diabetologist, endocrinologist and endocrine expert in Kenya, for specialized care of patients with diabetes and endocrine diseases.

Our Contacts
Dr Keli Florence - Endocrinologist
Mobile: 0722 417332

Diagnosis of Diabetes Management of Pre-Diabetes Gestational Type 1 Diabete Type 2 Diabetes Endocrine Disease Nairobi Dr Keli Florence Kenya

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