Importance of using bitumen-waterproofing membranes…

Colas East Africa Ltd - Importance of using bitumen-waterproofing membranes…

03 May, 2016 4:05 PM

The bitumen based waterproofing membranes are used almost everywhere in buildings where there is water contact. It is always important to use a bitumen waterproofing membranes to ensure that there is no corrosion of steel, which yields lower load bearing capacity and even a sudden collapse during a powerful quake that may cause the collapsing of your building.
The waterproofing application provides not only safety of building but also healthy and comfortable environments by avoiding formation of bacteria and mold, and water from dripping off the roof or ceiling.

For purchase of quality made bitumen waterproofing membranes, come to Colas East Africa or dial 0712746799 or 0738923633

bitumen-waterproofing membranes

Colas East Africa Ltd

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