Smile Makeover Clinic in Nairobi

Balm Dental Care Centre  - Smile Makeover Clinic in Nairobi

17 Oct, 2022 4:27 PM

Is Your Smile Selfie Ready?

Just like a hair and beauty makeover, A SMILE MAKEOVER is the process aimed at enhancing and improving the appearance of your smile through one or more dental procedures, such as the use of BRACES, DENTAL VENEERS, COMPOSITE BONDING, CROWNS, DENTAL IMPLANTS and TEETH WHITENING, just to name a few.

Smile makeovers are designed to improve the health, function and aesthetics of your mouth. It’s also frequently considered the first step towards confidence which is why many people love their smile makeover!

What Dental Conditions Can a Smile Makeover Treat?
Balm Dental Care offers many treatment options that suit your budget and desired outcome to give you a great smile through Smile Makeover by fixing dental conditions such as crooked teeth and gaps between teeth, discoloured and missing teeth.

Smile Makeover Treatment Process at our Clinic in Birmingham?
We begin the Smile Makeover process with thorough Smile Analysis (during consultation) where the dentist will evaluate your teeth and make recommendations for treatment. However, because we acknowledge that every patient is unique, the procedure for each individual also varies, from simple teeth whitening to more intensive restorative dentistry. We will then provide our patients with all the options and the ideal treatment plan.

Our mission is to ensure that our patients are 100% satisfied and confident in their decision before any procedures are performed. We want to be sure that you will love your new smile.

Why Choose Balml Dental Care?
Our dentist will first design for you “golden smile” on a 3-D model to show you how it would exactly look exactly before touching your teeth. It is only when you approve of it that we will carry out the procedure. Eventually you will see how they fit before we bond it to your teeth.

Schedule a consultation for Smile Makeover solution at Balm Dental Care in Nairobi for affordable but professional correction of any dental imperfections and get back the smile of your dreams!

Our Contacts
Balm Dental Care
Ngong Road, The Green House, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Suite 2, Nxt to Adams Arcade
Cell: 0713 071950

Smile Makeover Braces Dental Veneers Composite Bonding Crowns Dental Implants Teeth Whitening Smile Makeover Treat missing teeth. Crooked Teeth gaps between teeth Balm Dental Care

Balm Dental Care Centre

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