13 Oct, 2023 10:38 AM

As a KID FRIENDLY DENTIST IN NAIROBI, BALM DENTAL CARE treats young children, including preschooler and elementary age children, for their first checkup. More often than not, a lot of parents do not take their child to the dentist until they are much older. This, however, is a mistake. Your child can develop cavities as young as their toddler years and visiting our kid friendly dentist office is one way to help prevent them.

What You Should Know
As a parent, you naturally want what is best for your child. Many parents are unaware of how oral health and dental care plays into that. Tooth decay (cavities) is the number one most commonly occurring infectious disease among children. This leads to children experiencing toothaches in high numbers, missing days from school, and experiencing overall discomfort. Tooth decay is not a trivial thing, but a condition that can create significant discomfort for your child and even make it difficult for them to eat, speak clearly, and engage in normal daily activities.

In addition to visiting our kid friendly dental clinic, it is important that you practice good oral hygiene at home and teach your child to do the same. In our dental clinic, we work with a lot of children under age eight and understand how challenging it can be to get them excited about brushing teeth. Kids are busy and asking them to stop riding bikes, building Legos, or playing dress up to brush their teeth can lead to conflict fairly quickly. We get it. At Balm Dental Care, we can work with young children and are under no illusion that they are fascinated by oral health. Our job, however, is to change their opinion of dental care and show them that it can be fun and interesting. This way they will want to brush and floss their teeth, even without being told. With that in mind, we have a few resources that we have found to be helpful and suggest that you try them at home.

If you live in or around Nairobi, we invite you to schedule an appointment with our dental clinic so that we can examine your child's teeth and teach them how to brush properly. Even if your child is already brushing, there is a good chance that they are doing it wrong and missing a lot of the plaque that has built up on their teeth.

Once your child is brushing correctly, it is time to turn your attention to how long they are brushing for. At Balm Dental Care, we encourage all of our patients to brush for two minutes, twice a day, regardless of how old they are. This, however, can be difficult for young children that find it hard to focus on a task or to stay still. As a kid friendly dentist, we want them to brush their teeth but staying still isn't a requirement. Try making it fun to brush teeth by playing their favorite song for two minutes and letting them dance and brush.

As a kid friendly dentist office in Nairobi, we are focused on preventative care. It is far better for your child to visit us for a regular teeth cleaning than to only see us with a toothache. Fortunately, by using preventative care methods we can help your child to avoid experiencing any dental discomfort.
In addition to cleaning their teeth, one of the ways that we do so is with dental sealant. Many children have deep ridges in their teeth. When they bite down and chew food, bacteria, food particles, and plaque can become trapped in those ridges and eventually they will create tooth decay. These areas are particularly difficult to clean with a toothbrush alone, so even the most fastidious of parents may find it challenging to keep cavities at bay. By using dental sealant, a protective layer is placed onto the teeth so that nothing can become stuck in these ridges.

Give us a shout or visit our clinic for more information and affordable kid friendly dental check-up, treatment and advice

Balm Dental Care
Mobile: 0713 071 950
The Green House, 2nd Floor, Near Adams Arcade Bus Station,
Ngong Road, Adams Arcade, Nairobi

Kids Dentistry Kids Friendly Dentists in Nairobi Dental Cavities in Kids Good Oral Hygiene in Children Balm Dental Care Nairobi Children Dentists Kenya

Balm Dental Care Centre

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