Gum Disease Treatment in Nairobi, Kenya

Balm Dental Care Centre  - Gum Disease Treatment in Nairobi, Kenya

10 Mar, 2022 5:02 PM

Depending on the severity of the condition, we treat GUM DISEASES - non-surgically or surgically. Naturally, flossing for the first time may cause your gums to bleed, but with immediate stop once done. Consistent glossing will harden your gums and make them stronger. So don't give up flossing.

However, there is indeed a problem if the flossing has been for a long time and your gums are still bleeding.

What are the Possible Causes of Gum Disease?
Gum disease is usually caused by the following factors:
• Poor dental hygiene
• Smoking
• Diabetes
• Genetic factors
• Changes in the metabolism and hormone levels during pregnancy, puberty and menopause
• Medications that have oral side-effects or dry mouth may lead to gum disease

At Balm Dental Care, we treat GUM DISEASE S through non-surgical professional dental cleaning or root scaling in which the tartar and plaque build-up around the root of the tooth is removed. We also do deep scaling and root planning to remove hardened plaque and calculus from the mouth.

For infections in the pockets of the gums, we use microbial therapy to treat bacteria accumulation. This surgical treatment includes tissue regeneration and laser therapy, used when the bone has been affected by gum disease. The grafting of the bone allows for the bone to re-grow and strengthen, and tissue grafting aids thin and weak gums.

Once we successfully manage the active gum disease, it is vital that our patients maintain proper oral hygiene thereafter, in order to prevent reoccurring infection and inflammation of the gums. We recommend that they gently brush their teeth twice a day, floss once a day, use antibacterial mouthwashes and visit the clinic for routine dental check-ups to maintain oral health and ensure gum infection does not advance to periodontitis.

Balm Dental Care recommends maintenance of proper oral hygiene such as brushing your teeth twice a day, flossing or using a floss brush daily, not smoking and using mouth-rinse to deter gum disease.

Our Contacts
Balm Dental Care
Ngong Road, The Green House, 2nd Floor, West Wing, Suite 2, Nxt to Adams Arcade
Cell: 0713 071950

Gum Diseases Periodontal Disease Treatment Inflamed Gum root scaling dental cleaning plaque and calculus removal Teeth treat bacteria accumulation microbial therapy Gum inflammation oral health periodontitis treatment Kenya

Balm Dental Care Centre

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