Biometric Fingerprint Identification in Kenya

25 Apr, 2018 10:49 AM
Smart Applications International Ltd provide reliable Biometric Fingerprint Identification System in Nairobi, Kenya used in a wide range of solution areas including banks and insurance companies, student information management, licensee information amongst many others.
With our fingerprint biometric identification system, you are assured of accurate customer and employee information management at your fingertips.
This system will reduce the costs associated with producing magnetic stripe cards or replacing lost access cards.
For our Biometric Fingerprint Identification System, visit us at Mama Ngina St,
International House, 11 th Floor, City Centre Nairobi. You can also call us on
0718 222000, 020 320600 for inquiries.
Biometric Systems Biometric Identification Fingerprint Identification System Nairobi Kenya