Price of Tooth Whitening in Nairobi

All Smiles Dental Practice - Price of Tooth Whitening in Nairobi

13 Dec, 2021 11:42 AM

Like everyone else, All Smiles Dental Procedure knows that the best teeth whitening are provided by a dental professional. Teeth Whitening restores self-conscious about your smile hitherto lost due to stains and other discolorations. We are here to help. We offer a solution that is simple, safe, effective and highly affordable. With professional teeth whitening, you will always be able to smile bright with confidence.

Who Needs Teeth Whitening?
Adults with noticeable stains may need whitening. Teeth can become yellow or even brown as one age over time. Teeth naturally discolor and begin turning to an off-white shade, probably provoked by smoking, coffee, tea, wine or soft drinks. With teeth whitening, it’s possible to bring back that youthful white appearance you once had. In some cases, whitening can make teeth whiter than they ever were before!

Teeth Whitening Cost
Teeth whitening cost depends on the number of treatments you require or choose for the look you desire. The benefit is that you will always feel safe and smile proudly and with confidence, knowing that your teeth are looking their best. An indirect benefit is that you may actually take better care of your teeth after having professional whitening done. When your teeth look their best, you tend to brush more often to help them maintain their glamour
Why Teeth Whitening Dentist?

If you choose to whiten your teeth with products from the supermarket, the results you are hoping for will likely never come. Most of the multiple products in supermarkets or drug stores that claim to whiten your teeth and promise a perfect smile will often leave you disappointed with minimal results. Also, if you use a home whitening kit you run the risk of damaging your gums with incorrect use. At All Smiles Dental Procedure, you are guaranteed stunning results and can take comfort knowing that our professional procedure is the safest and most effective possible.

We use a precise dropper to cover your teeth with a premium mixture of whitening agents, along with fluoride and potassium nitrate to help minimize sensitivity. This specialized solution will give you amazing results, and will not only decrease tooth sensitivity but also increase enamel strength and help prevent cavities as well.
At-home or supermarkets products may seem alluring, but they can sometimes cause more harm than good.

How Long Until Results?
If you choose us to whiten your teeth professionally, it will only take about an hour of your time to restore whiteness and vitality to your teeth, leaving you with a fresh, clean and truly bright smile.

Why not? Trust All Smiles Dental Procedure with your smile restoration needs. We promise you the best.

Our Contacts:
All Smiles Dental Practice
Safaricom: 0722 513561,
Airtel: 0733 513561
Ralph Bunche Rd, Upper Hill Medical Centre, Suite 3A, 3rd Flr, Nairobi
Email: [email protected]

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All Smiles Dental Practice

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