Pembe Flour Mills Ltd

Millers and Manufacturers of Animal Feeds in Nairobi, Kenya
Pembe Flour Mills, Lunga Lunga Rd, Industrial Area Nairobi

Pembe Flour Mills Ltd is based in Nairobi, manufacturers of Flour Processing Mills and Animal Feed, which include;-

• Home baking flour
• Maize meal
• Biscuit flour
• Bakers flour
• Atta mark one and other specialized products for food processing industries including fortified maize meal.

Business Hours:
Monday - Friday: 8.00a.m – 5.000p.m
Saturdays: 8.00a.m – 1.00p.m
Sundays & Holidays: Closed

+254 20 2046407

+254 20 2161774

+254 20 2161776

Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - Shifted Maize Flour Millers in Kenya

Shifted Maize Flour Millers in Kenya

19 Mar, 2018 4:54 PM

Pembe Flour Mills are the manufacturers and suppliers of nutritious, delicious and mineral rich maize flour in Kenya. Going by the brand name PEMBE, our premier quality maize flour is milled from fresh and finest maize produced under natural tropical whether conditions.

Pembe maize flour is a household name to millions of homes in Kenya due to its richness in vitamins, minerals and carbohydrates. This makes it a sure treat to many families as a staple food that guarantees a healthier diet for the whole family.

Pembe maize flour boasts a great taste, high energy value and is pocket friendly. Choose value! Cherish the taste of Pembe shifted maize flour.

Our Contacts:
Lunga Lunga Rd, Pembe Flour Mills Premises, Industrial Area
Tel: 020 2046407, 2161774/6

Shifted Maize Flour Maize Flour Quality Maize Flour Affordable Maize Flour

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - Expertise In Animal Nutrition And The Passion And Innovation To Help You Succeed

Expertise In Animal Nutrition And The Passion And Innovation To Help You Succeed

22 Jun, 2016 9:29 AM

When you choose Pembe Flour Mills Ltd, you choose a partner with expertise in animal nutrition and the passion and innovation to help you succeed.

Our management tools and systems can help build your success by increasing production efficiencies and managing market volatility.

You can leverage our disciplined, scientific approach to animal nutrition to source the ingredients, premixes and additives that provide the right nutrients for healthy, productive animals and wholesome meat, milk and eggs.

Our feed formulation tools are based on nutrients rather than ingredients.

By focusing on nutrients and using our extensive resources to find sources of those nutrients, we can give you flexibility in your feed inputs to achieve the optimum nutrition animals require while controlling costs.

Get the proper nutrients for your animals from Pembe Flour Mills Ltd animal feeds.

Animal Nutrition Production Efficiencies Productive Animals Feed Formulation Tools

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - Home Baking Flours With High Protein Content

Home Baking Flours With High Protein Content

13 Jun, 2016 9:18 AM

Home baking flours are also called “Strong” flours and are generally made from “Hard” wheat. This type of flour has a higher protein content and as the title suggests, plenty of “muscle”.

When made into dough, they absorb more water and with kneading produce long elastic chains of gluten proteins forming a superstructure, which enables bread with more volume and an open texture.

We do this through a dedicated and experienced team of nutritionist and health experts.

We go the extra mile to offer our customers innovative and technically advanced solutions designed to meet emerging market needs. Backed by a countrywide distribution network, we are able to deliver what you want, where you want it.

Get your home baking flour from Pembe Flour Mills Ltd today at Lunga Lunga Rd, Industrial Area.

Home Baking Flours Higher Protein Content Countrywide Distribution Network

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - Flour, one of the world's most valuable and versatile foods

Flour, one of the world's most valuable and versatile foods

02 Jun, 2016 3:02 PM

Flour is one of the world's most valuable and versatile foods. At over 8,000 years old it is still going strong - and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, it is a cornerstone of our diets.

Pembe Flour Mills pre-packed flour comes in a variety of sizes to suit all manner of uses.

There are strong bread flours and an ever expanding range of flavoured bread flours and mixes; fine light sponge flours for cakes; specially blended flours for chapattis or an all purpose flour for a perfect bechamel sauce.

Why not explore and experiment with the wide range of flours now available at your supermarket and local shop.

For the best flour in the market get in touch with us today at Lunga Lunga Rd, Industrial Area.

Flour Bread Flours Blended Flours

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - Modern Flour Milling Process...

Modern Flour Milling Process...

05 May, 2016 12:04 PM

The milling process has evolved from the days of grinding wheat in between two large stone wheels, to the modern roller mill. Pembe Flour Mills is constantly striving to secure both production efficiency and product quality by making the best possible use of its raw material.

The modern milling process allows us to remove particles from the bud grind the bud and remove flour produced. From the time the grain enters the mill until it is distributed to the shop or bakery, it is untouched by hand.

It passes automatically from one stage to the next, carefully controlled by skilled workers. Samples of the product are tested at various stages to make sure the flour maintains a high standard of quality.

Milling can be regulated to produce flour of any extraction rate. The extraction rate means the percentage of the whole grain that remains in the flour after the milling process.Get quality flour from us at Pembe Flour Mills Ltd today.

Milling Process Flour Milling Process Modern Roller Mill

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - Quality Animal Feed For Improved Animal Production

Quality Animal Feed For Improved Animal Production

22 Apr, 2016 9:36 AM

We like to believe that the entire concept of how to feed animals is as simple as putting animal feed in front of them. Pembe Flour Mills we manufacture animal feeds to ensure that animals are able to utilize the feed in a healthy and efficient way, improving feed efficiency.

Good animal feed will lead to good produce. By improving on your animal feed you also ensure that you get good animal production, contributing to improved customer performance.

We also help you formulate animal feeds that embrace feed safety, product integrity and the production of safe, reliable feed through a standardized process.

For the best end result get quality animal feed. Contact us today.

Animal Feeds Improving Feed Efficiency Good Produce

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - One Of African Popular Dishes...

One Of African Popular Dishes...

13 Apr, 2016 4:13 PM

An East Africa donut that can be taken with tea or coffee for breakfast, for a snack anytime, with our home baking flour you are sure to get the best and tasty mandazi.

Get Pembe Home Baking Flour for the best mouth watering mandazi in town.

Mandazi Home Baking Flour

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - Flour Packed With Essential Vitamins And Minerals.

Flour Packed With Essential Vitamins And Minerals.

06 Apr, 2016 12:30 PM

At over 8,000 years old it is still going strong - and packed with essential vitamins and minerals, it is a cornerstone of our diets.

There are strong bread flours and an ever expanding range of flavoured bread flours and mixes; fine light sponge flours for cakes; specially blended flours for chapattis or an all purpose flour for a perfect béchamel sauce.

Essential Vitamins Minerals Bread Flours

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - Dedicated To Providing Consumers With High Quality Flours.

Dedicated To Providing Consumers With High Quality Flours.

01 Apr, 2016 12:20 PM

Pembe Flour Mills Ltd is dedicated to providing the baking industry and individual consumers with consistent, high quality flours to meet the requirements of the end product, be it bread, pancakes soup or a sauce.

Get to discover the vast range of flours available for your every home baking need, get guidance on best practice for storage and learn about the activities.

High Quality Flours Baking Industry Individual Consumers

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd - Active In Many Policy Areas...

Active In Many Policy Areas...

30 Mar, 2016 2:49 PM

Pembe Flour Mills Ltd is active in many policy areas, including trade, technical and regulatory affairs, food safety, and environment, health and safety and employment affairs.

Fundamentally, Pembe's role is to advise and represent its members on these issues, promoting a competitive, efficient and socially responsible sector of the food industry.

Policy Food Safety Regulatory Affairs

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Pembe Flour Mills Ltd

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