Consultant Neurologist in Nairobi, Kenya
Aga Khan University Hospital, Corner Limuru Road & Third Parklands Avenue, Nairobi

DR SYLVIA MBUGUA is a CONSULTANT NEUROLOGIST at The Aga Khan University Hospital -specializing in treatment and management of conditions such as: Headache Disorders; including migraine Epilepsy and other causes of loss of consciousness, Spinal and Peripheral Nerve Disorders, Muscle Disorders; including Myasthenia Parkinson's Disease and related disorders, Dementia; including Alzheimer's Disease, Neuro-Inflammation; including Multiple Sclerosis, Cerebrovascular Disease; including Stroke, Dizziness and symptoms of being off-balance, Neurological Infections; including Meningitis and Encephalitis, Disorders of Facial Nerves; including Vision and Speech,

DR SYLVIA MBUGUA performs professional test and consultations on patients before any form of treatment can be administered. She performs Blood Test, Electroencephalograpy (Eeg), Electromyography (Emg), Electroneurography (Eng), Intraoperative Neuromonitoring (Iom), Spinal Punch and Csf Analysis, Motor Evoked Potential (Mep), Dizziness Examinations (Vog, Svv Determination, Vemp),
Somatosensory Evoked Potential (Ssep), Special Consultation Botulinumtoxin Treatment, Special Consultation Hours Dementia, Special Consultation for Epilepsy, Special Headache Consultation, Special Consultation for Multiple Sclerosis, Special Consultation for Neuromuscular Diseases, Special Consultation for Neurovascular Diseases, Special Consultation for Parkinson and Movement Disorders, Special Consultation Sleep Wake Disorders, Special Consultation Hour Dizziness, Ultrasonic Examination of The Throat And Head Vessels andVisually Evoked Potential (Vep).

DR SYLVIA MBUGUA offers comprehensive and rapid neurological diagnostics based on a detailed doctor-patient discussion and a thorough neurological examination. This allows her to offer professional support for patients with chronic neurological diseases. DR SYLVIA emphasizes the need to look at for possible symptoms of the nerves system disorders including disturbance of consciousness/apathy/change of character, memory impairment and sleep-wake disorders.

0111 011888

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