Pediatric Dentists in Nairobi, Kenya

Dental Health Providers Clinics - Pediatric Dentists in Nairobi, Kenya

06 Jul, 2016 3:23 PM

Children begin to get their baby teeth during their first 6 months. By the time they hit 6 or 7 years, they start to lose their first set of teeth, which eventually are replaced by secondary, permanent teeth. Without proper dental care, children face possible oral decay and disease that can cause a lifetime of pain and complications.

At Dental Health Providers Clinics, we have Pediatric Dentists who are dedicated to the oral health of children from infancy through the teen years. They have the experience and qualifications to care for a child’s teeth, gums and mouth throughout the various stages of childhood.
Our goal is to provide comprehensive dental care in a supportive, compassionate, and positive environment for children as they grow.

If you're looking for the best paediatric dentists in town, come to Dental Health Providers.

Our Contacts:
Off Ngong Rd, Menelik Hospital, Kilimani
Cell: 0714 254053
Tel: 020 2518541

Pediatric Dentists Pediatric Dental Service

Dental Health Providers Clinics

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